I know this a little to much information for some of you non-moms, but just wait until you have a sweet little one of your own and you will be so excited to blog about this!
Addison is officially in potty training mode.
It is going slowly but proud to say we are getting there!
My goal was by the time she was two to have her fully potty trained.. well Addison had a different idea. She has finally reached the point she is not afraid to sit on the potty. YAY!
My mom stocked us up on some treats from the Dollar store for us...
Addi gets to pick from the treat drawer if she goes potty in the big girl potty!
Last night, she went and was so excited to to pick out a treat!
Of course, she choose stickers! ha
Happy Wednesday!
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding!
How exciting! She is growing up so quickly!